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Writer's pictureSofia Garcia

Staying Healthy During a Quarantine

Updated: May 13, 2020

Wow, this is something I certainly didn't think I will ever write, but here we are. First of all, I will like to say that it is very comforting to know that we are all in this together and that this also shall pass, and I firmly believe that we will come out of this situation stronger than ever. This is a time that mother Earth has given us to reflect on the things we can do better for her, for all of us as a species, and for this beautiful and amazing place we are blessed to call home.

So now that we are all (hopefully ALL) practicing social distancing and staying home, our routines have shifted 180 degrees, and we are all trying to find a new normal. This can drastically alter the healthy habits we maintain daily, and between all the tasks I am sure you are juggling with, the last thing you might be thinking about is yourself. But I got news for you, if you want to be of service to those around you, and be an example for who's watching; you must take time for you and your physical and mental health.

These are my top 5 healthy habits you should maintain or even incorporate during this time of isolation. Listed in no particular order

1. Exercise. Moving your body every day is super important. Sweating is not only healthy for your body and helps you eliminate toxins, but it does wonders for your mental health. When we sweat, our bodies release positive brain chemicals called endorphins, which can help with feelings of anxiety and depression, and an overall positive feeling. If you have a backyard, try to get out and do some sort of physical activity that will increase your heart rate and will make you sweat. In our house, we play soccer for 30 minutes or so and always end our session with a few rounds of freeze tag! If you don't have an outdoor space, there are currently a lot of trainers and exercise programs that are offering classes at a very low or at no cost at all. Do some research, and I'll guarantee that you will find something that you will love.

2. Water. Hydrate...hydrate...hydrate. Yes, hydration is vital. Fact: we humans are about 60% water and our blood is around 90%. So now think again, why is water so important. Water helps our digestive system to work properly, and it can help with constipation. It also helps your kidneys to perform the best they can, and even your airways need it to make sure they are fully open and at work. Do you feel your cravings are taking a toll on you during this time? Try drinking a glass of water when you feel anxious for food, then pause, and notice how you feel. You might realize that you didn't really need that next snack! How to make it work? If you are new to this habit, look for ways that can help you stay on track. Get a cute bottle that you can fill up a couple of times a day and take it with you everywhere. Set the alarm. Use your phone, your watch, hey! even the stove timer can work and set it to alert you every hour that is time for your next glass of water. Cheers!

3. Me time. Think of an activity that grounds you. Something that is for you and brings you joy. In these chaotic moments, we all need time to be with ourselves even when the house is full. I firmly believe that this is something you shouldn't compromise on. Taking a little me time every day allows you to recharge, it quiets your mind from the outside world and centers you back. Having time for you is the best way to show up every day with energy, care, and love for the ones around you. It doesn't matter what you do or for how long. Just that is for and only with you.

4. Sleep. Think about how you feel after a bad night of sleep. Tired? Foggy brain? Hungrier? Irritable? Yeah, it doesn't sound fun, right? Well, it is not. One of the most significant components for a person's overall wellness is sleep. When you have a restful night, your body is energized, you can think more clearly, and you can be alert and present the next day. It not only restores your body but your brain as well. When we sleep, our brain is active, making connections and recapping your day so it can sort and store memories. It is also believed to help with weight control, stress, and inflammation. If you have a hard time falling asleep, try to unwind at least 30 minutes before your usual sleep time. Think no electronics, maybe a short meditation, a relaxing playlist, a few pages of a book or try journaling.

5. Work-life balance. Whatever is your daily activity, working from home, homeschooling, caregiving, or all of the above simultaneously, do your best to separate your work time from your playtime. When each day looks pretty much like the one before time can become an illusion, and we can fall into an unhealthy imbalance. Try to establish a routine like I can imagine you had before. Make time for meals, so you don't end up having breakfast for lunch, take breaks throughout the day, and set up a time to disconnect. Then it is playtime, enjoy a meal with your family, play a family game (ocean bingo is our current favorite), have a dance party. Here anything goes just try to disconnect and separate the best as possible those two areas of your life.

Bonus habit! Stay connected!!! In these harsh circumstances, it is more important than ever to stay connected with your people, your family and friends, your tribe. One of the things I am grateful for during this time is technology. I get to have family chats using WhatsApp; I meet with my girl tribe for weekly circles via zoom. Skype is our preferred tool for work meetings, and I'm sure there are many other tools you can explore, because hey social distancing doesn't mean we have to stop being social, and with who better to share this unique moment in life with than with the people you love and care for.

I hope you are staying sane and healthy. Try to absorb everything this period of stillness is giving us and make it your own however that looks. We are all part of history now, and more than ever, we need to support each other, pray for those in the frontlines that are risking their all for all of us, and remember we are all in this together and a new era is already here. What will you do with it?

With much love,


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